Close-up of a butterfly with orange and black spotted wings on yellow flowers in a blurred background.

Pollenize delivers science-led, nature-based solutions to restore pollinators and biodiversity.

Pollinating insects are in trouble

Pollinators play a pivotal role in maintaining a healthy ecosystem and are also essential in the provision of food for wildlife and humans.

Recent studies across Europe have found that insect numbers have declined by as much as 75% in 25 years due to loss of their habitats through urbanisation, agriculture, and the use of harmful chemicals.

Pollenize works with businesses and communities to help create, survey and protect habitats for these vital animals.

Six-spot burnet moth - Zygaena filipendulae

Biodiversity surveys

Using insect and plant data collected from your location, create the best profile of trees, shrubs, and flowers to improve your local biodiversity.

Hand holding a phone near a pink flower in a grassy field

Wildflower seeds

With our bespoke seed packets, you can create vibrant wildflower habitats.

Close-up of a hand holding and letting fall cumin seeds against a brown background.

Wildflower meadows

Pollenize specialises in crafting bespoke mini-meadows that deliver a wealth of benefits for people and nature.

Field of wildflowers with red poppies, white daisies, and blue cornflowers.

Native defence

Monitor the presence of invasive Asian Hornets.

A white container with steam on grass

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